Whaaa! aka Monday Morning

Here I am, killing time at SFU, waiting for classes to start.

I still find it hard to believe that I've been up since 5:30am. I keep reminding myself that this was MY choice. It doesn't really help, but I know by 4:30 I'll be so happy to be heading to the ferry that I'll forget how miserable the morning is. I hear that's how childbirth is; the end result is so great that you forget the trauma of getting there. I wonder if a litre Nalgene container of fresh coffee will help with childbirth too? It sure helps THIS process.

So last night was my first real social engagement since living on the Coast -- Diana's on Friday nights is wonderful, but this was a party where I had to do more than just listen to music, drink tea (and pee about 20 times). Steve's friend Laurel had a dinner party and it was lovely. Everyone was very nice and the chocolate fondue was amazing. I could get used to this!

Mind you, I was grateful all over again for Angel... that little dog is my 'in' on the Sunshine Coast -- actually, she's my 'in' everywhere I go. Cute, well-behaved, and a darn convenient topic of conversation. If I really have nothing to say, I just get her to do tricks and there the conversation goes. Her tricks stand in for the witty conversation I wish I had.

The real challenge will be in March, when we have our housewarming/Steve's birthday. Poor Angel will be doing tricks all night. Actually, we'll just point people towards the view and no talking will be done at all. The entire evening will consist of oooh and aaaah and "do you think I could hit Molly's Reach with this rock if I threw it REALLY hard?" I love living in Gibsons.


qsteve said...

Awww, cute. Can I meet your dog?

lorien_i said...

Sure... so long as you're nice to her.