First week of Saturdays

July 14, 2009. I think it's a Tuesday. Baby Jack (John Ryan Quattrocchi) has been reassuringly active and I feel great, as usual. D-minus 15 days until due date.

So. Last Monday was my last day of work, as I started Maternity Leave a few weeks earlier than expected. I commented to my husband, Steve, that it felt like the first Friday of an entire year of Saturdays. Since then, he has nagged me unmercifully to spend some of my pre-baby time blogging my 'holiday' experience. So fine -- I will. I'm not entirely sure this will end up being a holiday. All things considered, no sleep and being at the complete beck and call of an eight pound, hungry, non-verbal tyrant doesn't seem very restful, but I sure am enjoying this first, feet-up part of my year off.

I am deeply grateful to live in Canada, where, with maternity and parental benefits together, I can be off work for 365 days in order to give our son the best start in life. I'm also grateful to Steve for letting me take the full year, instead of splitting the parental leave up between us (though he works part time, so he'll be at home with us lots of time with us anyway).

In any case, the laptop is getting sleepy, and I should probably not laze about on the couch ALL day, so this will be a short first post. I'm off to look for a diaper bag as I've been told babies poop a lot and I'll need one of those.

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