Sorry... too busy shopping!

Yes, I'm feeling much better. Thank you.

As a direct result of feeling better, I've been much busier. I had my little panic moment on the 19th (and 18th and 20th) that it was one day and four months! four months! four months LESS A DAY! to the wedding. Oh dear.

So. We were in town on the weekend, which was great for getting stuff done. Gayle and I ran around town going to Opus Art Supplies for invitation supplies then we checked out both Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware as potential registration locations. The verdict was, unfortunately, no. The stuff is all very nice, but my 'incredulity meter' goes right off the chart when faced with asking -- asking! -- people to purchase one sheet for $70.00. No way.

Plus Steve would never make it all around the stores. They were zoos.

Sunday Andie organized a Dim Sum extravaganza where I got to see a bunch of people I hadn't seen in forever (and eat Dim Sum!). Mmmm.... dumplings.

Monday we got a new stereo put into the car. Holy car saga, Batman! After getting the run-around from Toyota after they had forgotten to write down the part number and apparently couldn't order the stereo in time for my appointment, I ended up speaking to the COO of Open Road Auto -- he found me a stereo. Yay!

After Toyota, we went to Falafel House restaurant for Shwarma, which is a lot like the Donar we will be getting in Turkey. The FH (Falafel House, not Future Husband) is Lebanese, so it's pretty similar. I hope it's similar 'cause damn! that shwarma is good.

Then it was off to The Bay, where we did a very good job of putting more stuff on the registry (where sheets are only $50 per SET) for about two-and-a-half hours. Next time I will remember that two hours is Just About Steve's Shopping Limit -- except, of course, for shopping at MEC and other outdoor stores. We spent hours and hours on Sunday after Dim Sum wandering two blocks on West Broadway looking at MEC, and Patagonia, and Another Store I Can't Remember, and Deakin (where I got bright! pink! Vasque hiking shoes). Oh and some other stores too. All outdoor stores. We would have registered at MEC but they won't take items off the list after someone's purchased them, so I can just picture us with a dozen hiking poles! Not that hiking poles, or anything from MEC, aren't great, but...

So, all in all a sucessful weekend. Even waking up at half-past DARK to get to my course in Squamish on Tuesday morning wasn't too, too, too bad. Mostly not too bad because of several Very Large Coffees. With extra espresso, please!

I've also spent some time on eBay gathering the last few things I need for making the invites, and I've gotten both Steve and our roommate, Tania, to agree to participate in my invitation factory that we'll need to get them all made for the middle of February.

I suspect I'll have to make like a real sweatshop and lock the doors from the outside in order to get them all done. Oh well. Bribes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will you be wearing the Bright! Pink! Vasque hiking shoes at the wedding? ;)