It's creeping up, like something slimy and cold-fingered...

Well, it is almost Hallowe'en, so scary metaphors are pretty apt.

But really -- six months, three weeks and ONE DAY TO GO!!!!!

Oh my.

So, I should be picking and ordering my dress and the bridesmaids dress within the next few weeks, picking a location... which I can do, now that I found out for sure that Camp Elphinstone is booked for our weekend already. That means getting deposits (and the contracts) to the RCCH, to the wharf people and, oh right, the dress people. I need to send cards to the UK rellies to give them fair warning, order paper for invites which need to be made in the next few months in order to be sent in February, book and give deposits for B&Bs for the night before and few nights after the wedding, MUST remember to call the SCRD people to get the revised contract (and my partial refund) for Chaster House (since it's only going to be for the brunch now), I need bridesmaid measurements and picks, and wouldn't it be nice if I helped Phil & Susan do some digging in exchange for flowers? Oops... I bet they want their book-totes back... I should unpack.

Or take a deep breath.

Or have a stiff drink.

Instead, I'm looking at eBay for sparkly headbands and finding out the difference between plain tulle, english netting and silk tulle. I'm pleased to report that I think the cheapest looks the bridey-est and therefore the most appealing. I could add a DIY veil to my list.

On sadder news, Steve's grandma passed away last night. It sounds like she was a hoot; I wish I could have met her, or at least sent the photos of my family I collected. Important Moral: life is short, do not hesitate to do important things.

Like call your friends and family.
Like hug your fiance.
Like pet the beloved kitty.
Like order a few yards of practice tulle.

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